March 20

Happy Norooz!

The kindergarten class was so lucky today to learn about the Persian New Year from two moms in our class. Mrs. Adams and Dr. Kia-Keating brought in many visuals, activities, food, and a book to share. The lesson began with the students recognizing where in the world Iran is located. Both Mrs. Adams and Dr. Kia-Keating immigrated to the United States when they were very young. They discussed how Persian New Year is celebrated on March 20, the first day of spring, and celebrates renewal and a new year. People wish for good thoughts, good words, and good deeds.


The students learned how to say “happy new year” in Farsi:

Below is a quick video the moms showed that provided us with an overview of the Persian New Year celebration and traditions:

A major part of the New Year celebration involves setting the “Haft Seen.” also known as the seven S’s. The traditional table setting includes seven items that all begin with the letter “seen” in the Persian alphabet. These seven things usually are: Seeb (apple), Sabzeh (green grass), Serkeh (vinegar), Samanoo (a meal made out of wheat), Senjed (a special kind of berry), Sekke (coin), and Seer (garlic). (International Business Times)

Here are the seven items that were described above.

People also give and receive gifts as part of the celebration. Students made gifts to give away in the form of coupons.

One tradition families take part in is growing sprouts from lentils. On the thirteenth day after the new year, people take their sprouts to a body of water, set them in, and watch the sprouts float away. The floating sprouts take away any bad luck that one might encounter in the new year.

Students had the chance to decorate pots and fill them with lentils.

We will sprinkle the lentils with water until the kindergartners bring their pots home on Friday. You may set them free on Sunday, April 2!

Students also enjoyed a sample of traditional Persian food.

At the end of the lessons, students said:

and then received a brand new one dollar bill.

Thank you so much Mrs. Adams and Dr. Kia-Keating for sharing your traditions with us.

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Posted March 20, 2017 by Mieke Delwiche in category Uncategorized

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