November 13

Hooray for the 50th Day!

We have been in school 50 days as of today! Kindergarteners enjoyed spending the day like it was 1950. They came to school dressed and ready for a sock hop.

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We looked at a Power Point that compared technology, clothes, and cars from the 1950’s and from today. Later the students created their own picture sort of these items.

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Students answered the writing prompt, “I wish I had 50 …” Look at some of these adorable answers!

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“pieces of popcorn because I like popcorn.”

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“dogs because they’re cute. I also wish I had 50 trees in my garden for more oxygen. I also wish I had 50 fish.”

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“Chihuahuas because they are cute and cuddly and tiny.”

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“pieces of bubble gum because I like to blow bubbles.”

Students also illustrated a self portrait of themselves in 2013 and in 50 years.

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During math, we represented the number 50 using tally marks and coins. Students wrote equations that equaled 50 and the counted to 50 by 2’s, 5’s, and 10’s. The final math activity was making a pink poodle from 50 marshmallows. Students first had to make five rows of ten marshmallows, and then they glued them to the poodle. And all this happened before lunch!

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After lunch, I taught the students how to blow a bubble gum bubble. They try so hard to get their little tongues in the right spot, but often times the gum gets blown out of their mouths.

Students also learned the Hand Jive. Here’s a quick video of them performing this classic dance. (Click on the blue Hand)

Hand Jive Video

Our day ended with a sock hop in the back yard where students hula hooped, threw Frisbees, and did different activities in a 50 second time period. Famished from all the activities, students enjoyed a root beer float before heading home. (Click on Learning to Hula Hoop to see a cute video that showcases determination.)

Learning to Hula Hoop

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Frisbee throwing