Happy 100th Day!

Morning car line was quite exciting today as the kindergartners entered school dressed as they might look when they are 100 years old.

We made 100 Day hats and did some fun writing activities about the number 100.

Next we made trail mix using 100 pieces of food. Students counted by tens to 100 and represented the number 100 with tally marks. Then the enjoyed their trail mix.


We set up our collections of 100 items on our desks and were ready for the 100 Day Parade!

100 Lego bricks

100 Barbie shoes

100 jewels

100 buttons

Below are some fun collections we saw in other classrooms:


We ended the day with a 100 cupcakes celebration!


Here’s to many more special days of learning ahead!

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One thought on “Happy 100th Day!

  1. Omg! Riley’s picture! I’m dying, hahaha!!! Leo wanted to do that so bad!!! And the Barbie shoes!!! I love it! Thank you Mrs. Delwiche!!! ❤️

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