Friday Fun

The kindergarteners made more fairy tale magic today during Friday Fun! In the kitchen, they enjoyed making Rapunzel’s braid bread. This was a great activity for fine motor building, as the students had to roll three pieces of dough.


They also had to divide the dough into three equal parts and learn how to braid! (more fine motor!)

Students also worked on coloring and creating a 3D castle. This will be such a fun tool for them to use as a setting when they retell their fairy tales!

Finally, students engaged in a STEM kit where they constructed a solid chair that would hold one of the three bears.

One more Friday Fun to go before we live happily ever after….

Friday Fun Recap

I have missed posting the past few weeks of Friday Fun! In fact, we have had two weeks with parent-led craft and cooking activities. They have been a huge success! Here are some of the activities in which the children participated over the past three Friday Funs!

Because we have been learning about the Five Senses, students have created three crafts with which they can use these senses.

First, students made maracas using a plastic Easter egg, two plastic spoons, dried beans, and washi tape.


Students added the beans to the plastic egg and then sandwiched the egg between the two plastic spoons. I helped them wrap the first strip of tape around the spoons, and then they were able to do the rest. The maracas were the perfect craft for the students to make to help demonstrate their sense of hearing.




Next, students decorated binoculars. They had the best time looking at the world through their personal binoculars.


The third craft incorporating one of the five senses was a kaleidoscope.



In art, students have been working on creating a collage caterpillar, using the same techniques that the author, Eric Carle did.  So, in the classroom, students listened to the book The Very Hungry Caterpillar on cd. I used the caterpillar as inspiration for a cooking activity. Look at how cute these turned out:




Students made hot dog mummies, in anticipation of Halloween!


Today, we made Spirit Bracelets, with the hope that the ribbon will fly as the students run in the Jogathon!


 The final activity today was to see if a pumpkin would sink or float. The students made a prediction and then placed the pumpkin in a can filled with water. Here’s what happened:


 Friday’s here at Laguna are always so much FUN!