Special Delivery

Mrs. Mc David delivered a very special package to the kindergarten classroom this morning.

Oh my…what could it be?! We sat as a class and I carefully unwrapped the tissue and discovered an envelope and an egg!! What could possibly be inside the egg? First we brainstormed animals that hatch from an egg.

Next, I had students record their guess of what they thought might be in the egg.

Then using information that was provided in the envelope, I gave the students three clues that described what is in the egg….

  1. reptile
  2. plant eater
  3. taller than Mrs. Delwiche

Students were asked to record their thoughts after each clue was given to see if their idea changed. Then we had to sit and wait for the egg to hatch!

We waited and waited and waited….

And then…..

Stella the Stegosaurus hatched!! We recorded this new information on our recording sheets.

Stella the Stegosaurus brought exciting news to our classroom. She is going to be available for sleepovers beginning this weekend! More to come on this soon!

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