Friday Fun: Sense of Sight

Today’s Friday Fun activities had a sense of sight theme. Students made beautiful pony bead sun catchers. Not only is this another great fine motor building skill, it decorates the windows in our classroom so beautifully. First, students chose a color theme or pattern and placed their beads into a mini pie tin.

Next, I baked the mini tins in the toaster oven for about 20 minutes at broil. (I moved the toaster oven to an outside location first, as the melted plastic smells awful!)

After the beads were melted, they popped out of the pie tins so easily!

 Aren’t they stunning?

Our second sense of sight activity was to make a rainbow heart mobile. I instantly knew when I saw this craft that it would add the perfect touch of whimsy to our classroom.

They fit our classroom perfectly!



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