Dino Day

We wrapped up our dinosaur unit with a dinosaur showcase this morning. Parents were invited to attend our Dinosaur Extravaganza where they looked through the math and language arts activities the students completed over the last two months. Activities included measuring life-sized footprints.

Bones with long vowel words hidden on them were excavated.

Students wrote a creative piece about what they would do with a pet dinosaur.

They researched a dinosaur of their choice.

Students classified dinosaur skeletons as herbivores or carnivores based on characteristics they had learned.


The art activities were incredible.


Students sculpted the dinosaur that they researched.

Each student created a glow in the dark, Pop Art-style painting of the dinosaur they researched.

The finale was the premiere of each students’ dinosaur presentation that was created using the Puppet Edu app. I am so proud of the students’ hard work.


I’d say we have a class full of dinosaur experts now!

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