Five Senses Here We Go!

What better way to learn about the fives senses then to jump in and put them all to work?! Here’s what we did:

I unveiled the bag of popcorn and told the class that each student would get his/her own bowl. The task was to explore the popcorn using our five senses. I showed the students the order of our exploring – beginning with what we hear, smell, see, feel, and finally, taste. Immediately the room was filled with excited chatter. “Can we eat the popcorn, Mrs. Delwiche?” “Only if you will be using one of your five senses,” I responded.


What do you smell?


What do you taste?

Here are some of the entries students made. They were encouraged to either draw their answer or to use their best guess spelling.




I am so excited to finally be beginning this new unit! I worked over the summer to update and add to it, giving it more of a language arts focus and leaving some of the conventional hearing, smelling, and tasting experiments to Ms. Svedlund. But, not to worry, we will still be doing experiments with our five senses….just in unusual ways.  Just wait and see!