January 16

Friday Fun

Today was the first Friday Fun with our new theme, Dinosaurs! In the kitchen, students listened to the book Dinosaur Pizza by Lee Wardlaw and made their own dinosaur pizzas!




Interested in making dino pizzas at home? Here’s the recipe!


 The crafting activity today involved plastic dinosaurs, glue, and glitter! What could be more fun?! I drilled a small eye hook into a small plastic toy dinosaur ahead of time.


During the centers, students painted glue onto the dinosaurs.


The next step was  to coat the dinosaur in glitter. (I had to convince a couple of boys that they would get a non-glitter dinosaur in a few weeks from a different dinosaur Friday Fun activity!)


Look at how fun they turned out!


I plan to string a ribbon through the eyehook to make a necklace. They will first decorate the classroom, before heading home!