It’s Me…
Like many teachers, I have been working most of the summer to plan for the 2020-2021 school year. I actually have two, no make it three plans for this upcoming school year.
Plan One: on campus instruction…wahoo!
Plan Two: remote instruction…boohoo
Plan Three: on campus instruction with remote instruction if need be
I have been researching, learning, prepping, and creating using a myriad of resources, but what has resonated with me was an Instagram post from a teacher who has already begun her school year in person. She mentioned that students didn’t know who she was because they had originally met her prior to the mask wearing mandates. She had a brilliant idea of sharing a side by side photo of herself both wearing and not wearing a mask. How smart is that?!
So to my incoming kindergartners, many of whom I have not yet met, here I am!
I’ll let you in on a little secret…. under that mask you will find that I usually have a smile on my face….because if I am wearing a mask it means that I get to teach in person!
We have a little under a month before our school year begins….please wear those masks so that we can begin on campus and in person.
Great picture. 🙂 and great idea.
Hope you are well.