The Rise (and Fall) of the Plastic Pocket

The days of summer are passing by. The kindergarten classroom is empty…both of students and of all the furniture! We are getting fresh, new carpet, that is being installed as I write this post.

During summer, I like to spend time researching new activities and ideas. This year, there will be changes made to the Heart Word Wall and Math Centers, as well to some classroom procedures. When I started teaching at Laguna seven years ago, I inherited many procedures from the previous teacher. This included the use of a plastic pocket, which carries completed work home from school daily, and a homework folder, which holds important forms and homework. I introduced  Home Reading Folder to the mix, which houses a reading book that is sent home daily.  The addition of this folder meant that students were responsible for THREE folders, as well as their lunch box, sweater, and library books. Yikes!

So, I decided that this year, the Plastic Pocket will officially be retired. Adios! Students’ completed work will come home via the Homework Folder on Friday. I hope this simplifies all of our lives.