September 6

Morning Exploring

We enjoyed our FIRST rotation of Morning Exploring activities today! These activities are designed to strengthen fine motor skills while reinforcing math and literacy concepts. They also encourage teamwork! I am just thrilled with how successful our first rotation was!

Take a look:

Students use their thumb and pointer finger to grasp very slippery water beads and sort them by color.


Working together, students place numbers in order from least to greatest. They use clips to clip the number cards in order.


Students cut along the curvy lines.


Using pop beads, students measure the pictures of school supplies to see how long each is. They record their answer.


Students roll two dice. They add the dice together. Using tongs, students place that number of frogs on the lily pads.


VERY CAREFULLY, students use a pushpin to make holes that follow each letter in their name.


Students use a hole punch to punch a specific number of holes on each page.


Pop beads are used again…but this time students use them to extend a pattern.


After Morning Exploring was complete for today, I overheard a student say, “I can’t wait to do this tomorrow!” These are words every teacher loves to hear!