December 3

Happy 50th Day of School!

We finally celebrated our 50th day of school, and I am beyond thrilled that we have been in person for all 50 days! I had a really fun time decorating the room yesterday after the students left for the day. Take a peek!

I loved watching the students excitedly come into the classroom this morning. There were so many squeals of joy and “oooohhh’s!” I was grateful that the students trickled in slowly, so I was able to take individual photos of each cool cat with their masks off.


During one of our activity stations this morning, students went outside and learned how to blow a bubblegum bubble.

It was hard work! Look at our class results:

Students also learned how to make a rootbeer float. I love this craftivity!

Students practiced sequencing the three steps, using the words first, next, last.

Then we had to enjoy our own rootbeer floats! (Not to worry, parents! I made the floats with two small scoops of ice cream!)

We also took time to write about wanting fifty of something. There were some really creative ideas!

From learning how to Hand Jive, to hula hooping, to learning about the differences between life in the 1950’s and today, I’d say we had a really successful and FUN 50th day of school!