Pumpkin Fun
Over the past few weeks, students have been investigating their pumpkins from our field trip to Lane Farms. We made this great pumpkin-shaped book where we recorded all of our observations and learning.
This booklet has lots of fold out doors and little peek-a-boo writing spots. Under each of the letters, students wrote words that describe their pumpkin. Under the pictures of the pumpkins, students wrote that pumpkins can be orange, are squash, and have seeds.
Students estimated how tall they thought their pumpkin is, and then they measured it using unifix cubes. On a different page, students measured the circumference of their pumpkin.
Students predicted whether or not a pumpkin would float by coloring the pumpkin either at the bottom of the bucket or floating at the top. Next, we placed the pumpkin in a bucket of water and wrote the results – pumpkins float! The chart on the left shows the original predictions from the class as a whole.
After listening to a book, students wrote four facts about pumpkins.
They learned about the life cycle of a pumpkin.
The last activity in the pumpkin book was graphing students’ favorite way to eat pumpkins- pumpkin pie, seeds, or bread.
With the observations and learning complete, students took their pumpkins to art class and painted them. I love how they turned out!