Super Storage Idea

As we are wrapping up this year, I am starting to think about September and the arrival of the new kindergarten class. September’s class will be larger than this years’ class, so I need to be very organized. In looking at my Reading Pond, I noticed that the green beanbags take up a lot of real estate in that corner of the classroom. I went on Pintrest to search for clever storage/seating ideas and here is what I found….

pond crates

I couldn’t wait to get started! I purchased these colorful milk crates at Land of Nod. The fabric I purchased is a laminated cotton…oilcloth would work as well. Next, my husband John, cut pieces of wood to fit over the top of the crates. Once the wood was cut, I cut the fabric to match. I cut pieces of a mattress pad to fit under the fabric so there is a little cushion. Then using a staple gun, I stapled the fabric to the underside of the wood. Viola! Instant storage/chair! (I have decided to store all of my books on cd in these crates!  They work perfectly!)

I asked the students what they thought of their new Reading Pond chairs, and they said they loved them! Practical and cute!

reading pond

One thought on “Super Storage Idea

  1. No surprise, Mieke, that you found a very creative solution. Great job and a great year. Thank you for all you do for your students and admissions. The K Coffee was awesome!

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