February 12

Fill Our Hearts

Kindergartners have spent the past few weeks writing special notes to each class member as part of an activity that will fill our hearts with love! We brainstormed ideas on what makes each of us special.

I created these note templates to help students with the writing process.

Next, I gave each student a class list with their own name crossed out. Then, we got to work! I love the things that students notice or like about one another!

Each note has been placed in a special heart envelope!

During our Valentine’s Day celebration, we will take some time to read our special notes, and I know our hearts will be full of love!

January 31

Dinosaur Friday Fun

Friday Fun days during our Dinosaur Unit are SO fun! Last week, students began designing a dinosaur stuffy. Students sketched a dino on a piece of paper. Then, they traced their design on muslin with a fabric marker.

Next, students colored in their drawings.

If you are looking for great fabric markers, I recommend Tulip Bright Fabric Markers or Sharpie Fine Tip Fabric Markers.

Today, students sewed their stuffies!

Sewing provides children an excellent (and fun!) way to strengthen their fine motor skills.

I will post the finished product next week!

Another Friday Fun activity was for students to hatch a dinosaur! I made some frozen dinosaur eggs using this really cool mold.

Dinosaur Egg Ice Mold

With each mold making six eggs, this project took a lot of planning. The ice molds need at least 24 hours to freeze. The school freezer, unfortunately, broke while I was freezing the second set of eggs, so they had to be remade. It was a great lesson in perseverance and patience for me! But this activity was well worth the wait!

I set each student up with a small bowl, an ice egg, a dropper, and a small cup filled with warm water. The only tools the students used to get the dinosaur out of the egg were the dropper and warm water! By using the dropper, students enjoyed strengthening their finger muscles in a fun way!


After lots of hard work…

the students uncovered a dinosaur ring!

Remember how the eggs melted before the students could do the activity? Well, I had to do some quick thinking and come up with another Friday Fun activity using materials I already had. So, the students got to make their OWN dinosaur egg using Air Dry Clay! I had some Mini Plastic Dinosaurs on hand. (I removed the pterodactyls first because pterodactyls were flying reptiles that lived during the time of the dinosaurs and NOT dinosaurs!) Students were given a handful of clay and molded it around the dinosaur. Then, they used tools like toothpicks and the backside of a small paintbrush to add details to their eggs.

After a weekend of dry time, students will take these eggs home to crack!


January 24

Who Sank the Boat?

Kindergarteners have been exploring the concept of measurement during math this month. We started with length and have moved on to weight. I read aloud the book

Who Sank the Boat?

This is a sweet take of a group of animal friends who decide to go for a row in a boat one morning. Which friend caused the boat to sink?
After the read aloud, the students were given a piece of tin foil and asked to build a boat! In the center of their table groups was a bin filled with water and a basket holding small items like unifix cubes, mini erasers, and dinosaur toys. After the boats were built, students put them in the water and added items. Some boats could hold just a few small items, while others held almost everything in the basket!

We came together as a class and discussed how fast or slow the boats sank. We figured out the boat sank faster if it didn’t have sides. Some students made and remade their boats several times. Their boats tended to sink faster. The boats that held more weight had a flat bottom and side walls. The hands-on discovery was so meaningful!

December 4

The Kindness Cookie has Arrived!

Bright and early Monday Morning, Kindness Cookie parachuted into the Kindergarten classroom.

With her, she brought a note detailing the reason for her visit and a special book to show us what kindness is all about.

Be Kind by Pat Zietlow Miller


The students were SO excited! I showed them how to track our acts of kindness on a class bulletin board labeled “Kindness Land.” (Based on my favorite childhood game, Candyland.)

Here is what our game board looks like.

We have had two missions so far:

And today’s mission:

The children were excited to write personal notes detailing why they are grateful for Mrs. McDavid. They were also excited that Ms. Cookie left a new pencil for each of them!


Mrs. McDavid was touched to receive these kind notes.

Once we complete our kindness missions and fill up the game board, the students will. be surprised with a Candyland-themed day!

November 18

November Learning

These past two weeks in kindergarten have included some new hands-on activities that the students are loving. We have been learning about shapes, and the students cannot get enough of these personal light pads that come with a set of translucent tangrams.

Students had the option of building using the templates or creating their own designs.

I have also created an activity for Morning Exploring that utilizes these personal light pads. Students use translucent letters to identify the beginning sounds in words, matching the letter to the picture that I have printed on a transparency. Using the personal light pad makes everything so much more FUN!

So many of the students asked me to share the information for these light pads that I thought I would write a post. Below is a link to the light pad we used in class. I will also link a different version of a small light table that comes with many different options for playing.

Transparent Letters and Numbers

Geometry Light Pad

Small Light Table for Kids

Another new activity we did this November was perfect for fine motor development. Students created ears of corn using colorful pony beads. We took four pipe cleaners, wrapping one of them around the middle of the other three. Students then beaded each of the eight  “arms”. We left a little of the pipe cleaner exposed at the end of each “arm” and then pulled all the pipe cleaner “arms” up and twisted them to make the shape of an ear of corn. The student absolutely loved this beading project.

The end result is beautiful ears of corn that will add a fall festiveness to any space!

We have been writing in our Gratitude Journals daily. In addition to this, students created a placemat that highlighted one thing they were grateful for. Students used a Sharpie to draw their pictures. Then they used watercolors to paint the border of the placemat. I was very impressed with the way students were able to control the paintbrush and successfully use the watercolors to create crisp, clear, and vibrant colors.

I love the quality and color choice of these watercolors.

Another activity we have been doing frequently is writing uppercase and lowercase letters. I will say a sound and then the students write the uppercase and lowercase letter that makes that sound. We sometimes use sand trays or sensory bags for this activity. Recently, we have been using these really fun writing tablets.

Writing Tablet

Finally, students have been creating their own alphabet puzzles. They are really enjoying illustrating a picture of each letter of the alphabet. We hope to finish these this week so that students can bring them home to use over the break.

DIY Puzzles

Each of these activities gives students multiple opportunities to strengthen fine motor skills in fun and engaging ways!

November 5

Apple Picking

Our first field trip of the year was apple picking! This was a joint field trip with the fifth-grade class. While the kindergarten class is learning about trees and seasons, the fifth-grade class just finished reading the book Esperanza Rising, which follows a young girl who must move from Mexico to the US and become a farm laborer to support her family. Ms. Carney, our fifth-grade instructor, likes to give her students an opportunity to go into a field to pick fruit and experience the hard work of being a fruit harvester We thought a field trip apple picking would be the perfect way to have a cross-campus activity and engage in a service-learning opportunity, as we plan to donate the fruit we pick to the Santa Barbara Food Bank.

We began our journey bright and early! Many of the fifth graders were dropped off at Lower School and enjoyed some playtime before we loaded onto the bus. Once we arrived at the ranch, I showed the students how these apple trees are being trained to grow along a wire instead of straight up.

And then we got to work!

After we picked more than 500 pounds of apples, it was time to take a rest. Each student was offered an apple (that I had picked and washed over the weekend) to snack on while I read a story aloud.

After the students finished with their apples, they got to throw their cores off the side of the hill!

It was a special morning for sure!


September 20

New Friend Friday

We have an incredible new school counselor, Ms. Shankel! I told Ms. Shankel that I wanted to help foster new friendships in our class. We brainstormed some activities and New Friend Friday was born! First, we paired up returning students with new students. Next, Ms. Shankel came to kindergarten and shared with them an activity she had created where the new friend groups discovered each others’ superpowers. We set aside some time during lunch for the new friend groups to draw a picture together of their superpowers. Students were encouraged to talk to each other first to decide what they would draw, ensuring each friend was equally represented. The final challenge on that day was for the new friends to decide together what they would play during recess. Ms. Shankel and I modeled the process, showing the students how to compromise and take turns. The result was incredible! The returning students took their leadership roles seriously and eagerly followed the steps Ms. Shankel and I had outlined.

We were most impressed with recess! The new friends really did play together! And they played new activities and games! It was so exciting to see! After lunch recess, we connected, and I shared with the students what I saw….friends taking turns deciding what to play, friends including others, and friends sharing laughs!

Ms. Shankel and I decided to take New Friend Friday one step further. We agreed that Ms. Shankel would return to kindergarten and teach three mini SEL lessons dedicated to friendship and courage. What a success this has been! For Day 1, Ms. Shankel led the students to discuss courage and friendship. She had them role-play different scenarios to practice asking a new friend to play or compromise with their plan. She also shared a story about a child named Benny.

“Once upon a time, there was a kindergarten student named Benny. Benny loved recess and always played soccer with his best friends, Mia and Jason. They were so good at soccer; that was all they did every recess.

This school year, there was a new student named Alex. He usually spent recess sitting on the bench, watching the other kids play. Benny noticed Alex, but he wasn’t sure what to do. He liked playing with Mia and Jason and was a little nervous about change.

But then, Benny remembered something important. His teacher had talked about courage – the bravery to try something new – even when it feels a little scary. So Benny decided he would be courageous!

Benny took a deep breath and walked over to Alex one recess. He said, “Hi, I’m Benny! Do you want to play soccer with us?”

With a big smile, Alex said, “Yes!”

They all started playing together, and guess what?! Benny had so much fun! Afterward, Alex and Benny talked about things they had in common. Benny and Alex are going to have so much fun this year!!”

The students loved the story and eagerly shared what Benny learned. Each child shared a way that they could be courageous this week. Ms. Shankel and I immediately noticed a positive shift in the kindergarteners at recess. Those who had been observing recess asked friends to play a game! Those playing consistently with the same friends reached out to new friends and asked them to play! It was exciting to see the children practicing what they learned from the lessons!

On Day 2, students worked with their new friends to create a giant puzzle piece that depicted ways to be courageous in friendship. Again, students were asked to plan their projects with their new friends.

We completed the series today with time for the groups to share their puzzle pieces.

After each team shared their piece, they tried connecting it to add to the puzzle!

And we did it!!

A huge thank you to Ms. Shankel for her hard work creating these activities and the kindergarteners for being so courageous and trying something new!

September 13

Phonological Awareness

The school year has begun and the kindergartners are already building a strong foundation in pre-reading skills. One of the very first skill sets that we begin working on is phonological awareness. Phonological awareness is the foundation for reading: recognizing and manipulating sounds in spoken words. This important concept prepares emerging readers with the prereading skills they need to be ready to decode, blend, and ultimately, read! You may remember my previous post on the activities related to the book, “The Hungry Thing.” Here is that post again to refresh! (Click on the underlined words to take you to my Amazon Associates links.)

The Hungry Thing

The Hungry Thing

I loved the project we did last year, that I had to do it again this year. Look how cute our Hungry Things are:

We have been focusing on several areas of phonological awareness, including orally segmenting sounds in words, identifying the number of syllables in words, identifying the number of words in a sentence, and changing the beginning sounds in words. Here are some of my favorite tools to use to practice these important skills.

Pop It Blocks

These super cool Pop It Blocks can link together! So, I can quickly change up the number a student needs. For example, if we are orally identifying sounds in the word pan, I would give the student a row of at least three Pop-It Blocks. Then, as they say each sound, they pop each block…/p/ /a/ /n/. Students can’t get enough! These can be used to pop syllables in words and even identify the number of words in a sentence.


Just like Pop It Blocks are a great way to practice phonological awareness, using Play-dough provides a kinesthetic learning experience as well…and using play-dough strengthens fine motor skills! To practice counting syllables in words, I have students roll some little play-dough balls. They then say the word, butterfly, for example. As they say the word, they then squish the corresponding number of play-dough balls. Squishing play-dough balls can be used for orally identifying the sounds in words and identifying the number of words in a sentence.


Another way to make practicing phonological awareness fun is to use a light table.

LED Table for Kids

I have copied sound boxes onto old overhead projector transparencies. Students choose a CVC picture card and then move a fun, acrylic manipulative into each box to represent each sound. Or they can map the sounds and break apart each sound they hear by moving a transparent magnetic chip into each sound box. Then, students can use a magnetic wand to scoop up the chips. They LOVE this!


Fall Acrylic

Transparent Magnetic Chips 

Magnetic Wand

Phonological Awareness is a skill we will practice every day in Kindergarten! I will be sure to share some activities you can do at home in a future post.


September 10

A Magical First Week!

We finally had our first week of school! It was exciting to welcome our new class. We enjoyed a one-hour orientation on Tuesday. During this time I read aloud the book, Our Class Is a Family. This beautiful b0ok shares how a family isn’t just your relatives, a family is anyone who accepts you for who you are! We then took a few minutes to introduce ourselves. Each student held a magic Energy Stick when they shared their name. The stick made a little buzzing sound or lit up for a second when each student held it. I then had the students hold hands. I held one end of the stick and a student held the other end. Watch what happens when we work together!

The next day, students returned to campus for their first full day! On their tables were trays with magic beads to make a bracelet. (UV Beads and Chenille Pipe Cleaners

I found this cute idea on TPT: Magic Bracelets. Included in the lesson is a sweet poem:

So once the students made their bracelets, we headed outside to see if the beads would change colors.

Our beads changed color, so three cheers for a magical year!

This week, students also were introduced to our play-doh tubs. Play-doh is a great way to strengthen the fine motor muscles needed to write, color, and even cut! (Play Doh, Extruders)

Then we had our first Friday Fun of the year! They painted a special project that families will receive on Back to School Night as well as did a Pokey Pin of their name. Students enjoyed the listening center for the first time this year, and they did a sticky, gooey craft project with me based on the book Elmer the patchwork elephant.

Elmer the elephant is bright-colored patchwork all over. No wonder the other elephants laugh at him!

If he were ordinary elephant color, the others might stop laughing. That would make Elmer feel better, wouldn’t it? David McKee’s comical fable about everyone’s favorite patchwork elephant teaches readers to be themselves and celebrates the power of laughter.”

For part one of this project, students used tissue paper squares and glue to make a beautiful patchwork background.

Later in the day, we did a self-portrait directed drawing activity using just white card stock and a pencil. After their drawings were completed, students used a Sharpie to trace over their lines.

I just love the finished product!

This week, we will continue building our classroom community as well as start our Literacy Centers. Students also will engage in Morning Exploring tubs and our new math curriculum. Stay tuned for more….

(Be sure to click on my Amazon Affiliate links for products featured here.)

August 30

Sensory/Calm Kits

We are always looking for ways to meet the needs of all our students. Near the end of last year, I met with local Occupational Therapist, Michaela Gordon. I have had the pleasure of working with Michaela over the last ten years, and I have learned so much from her. (https://www.michaelagordon.com/)

Michaela walked through our learning spaces and gave suggestions on small changes we could make that would make our classrooms more inclusive. I mentioned wanting to create a sensory kit or calm kit for each teacher to have in their classrooms, and Michaela shared some of her favorite items for sensory-seeking children. Look at what we came up with! (You will find affiliate links for the items featured in this video below.)

Mindful Maze Set

Fat Brain Simpl Dimpl Fidgit

Marble Mesh Fidget

Liquid Motion Bubbler

Noise Canceling Headphones

Calm Strips

Kick Bands

Watch me make the kits!


I presented these Calm Kits during our in-service week. In addition to learning about how to support students with sensory needs, we welcomed Michaela Gordon to campus where she presented on the topic of self-regulation. She has written a wonderful children’s book where she shares the concept of an energy bubble. Take a peek:

Zoey and Her Amazing Energy Bubble

This book is well suited for children ages 5-9 with ADHD, Autism, Sensory Processing Challenges, Anxiety, and the Highly Sensitive Child. However, children develop regulation skills over time and interact socially with other children, so this book would be helpful to all children.

You may be familiar with the terms self-regulation and emotional regulation, but have you ever heard of sensory regulation? If you haven’t, you may not realize that regulating sensory information plays a part in helping us manage our emotions, helps us engage in goal-oriented tasks, and supports our ability to cultivate meaningful relationships. This happens because your thoughts, emotions, and the sensations you physically experience, all work together to help you adapt and respond appropriately to daily situations.

Some children struggle to regulate themselves during their daily activities. This can show up as hyperactivity, inattention, impulsive decision-making, strong emotional reactions, and a lack of social awareness. Parents, teachers, and adults alike can feel frustrated and at a loss when it comes to addressing these concerns. Finding the right tools to help children learn self-regulation skills is crucial to their developmental growth.

Zoey and Her Amazing Energy Bubble was written to help children understand how their thoughts, emotions, and felt sensations cause their energy levels to change. Zoey’s Grandma Rosie, teaches Zoey and her brother Milo about energy bubbles, which change in size and color. They learn about how the size of their energy bubble can cause other people to feel a certain way when they are around them, especially when the bubble gets very big. Grandma Rosie then teaches them about the energy bubble dial, which can be used to make their energy bubble smaller or bigger, depending on the situation.

Zoey and Her Amazing Energy Bubble is a great read for children of all ages, and I am excited to implement this concept into my classroom this year!